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The 50/50 chocolate fondue at the Bourgeois Pig. |
So what's this Mad Wednesday {UK Edition} ruckus all about? Perhaps this will clear things up:
Who are you?
I go by Euna and I am currently a NYU junior majoring in finance/management with a minor in philosophy. Going off the beaten path, I hope to enter the restaurant business with my infatuation with food, restaurants, and the growing culinary culture that is taking over the nation. And, instead of reporting from my home NYC, I will be writing from London during my semester studying abroad.
What is Mad Wednesday {UK Edition}?
Mad Wednesday is the name of my original food blog which you can check out here. To be honest, the name has nothing to do with food and is actually a combination of my favorites: Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and the Addams Family.
When will you be blogging?
I will be blogging at least once a week with various themed posts or UK restaurant reviews. Keep checking back!
Where will you be blogging from?
Come on...UK Edition?
But...even though this is the UK Edition, I will occasionally blog from the rest of Europe as well!
Why a food blog?
Looking for one of those "Dear Diary" personal blogs, eh?
Well you're not totally out of luck. Mad Wednesday is as much a daily journal as any other since my life revolves around every meal I stuff into my pie hole. But hopefully this blog is marginally more interesting than the rest (because daily blogs are honestly quite a bore). One of the best ways to experience another culture is through its food. This UK Edition is to share my experiences with the history, evolution, and interpretation of food starting with London. And maybe you will walk away with a more intimate knowledge (and a few handy tips) of the food across the pond.
And an extra little tidbit...
The Top 10 Quintessential NYC Bites that will be missed by Euna:
1. Bourgeois Pig (pictured above)
2. Big Gay Ice Cream Shop
3. Num Pang Sandwich Shop
4. Doughnut Plant
5. Rack and Soul
6. Eleven Madison Park
7. Great mixology bars like Death & Co, Mulberry Project, Milk & Honey, etc.
8. Burger joints like Shake Shack and Whitmans
9. Ess-a-bagel, Absolute Bagel, Russ & Daughters...every legitimate NYC bagel/spread shop manned by grumpy but great Jewish men.
10. All the Momofukus
* Free food to whoever can guess where the background wallpaper is from!